Personal growth and what it actually means

You hear it on every corner. Personal growth.

You meet someone abroad. You ask why they are travelling. Personal growth.

Those idiots.

I just had an epiphany about personal growth and I would like to share it. If this blog is ever going to be found and read by someone.

I understood what it means to follow your feeling, your goals, your expectations about life, relationship and love. I understood what it means to stay focused on your happiness instead of everyone else’s happiness first. Concentrating on yourself always should come first. Forget all this altruistic bull shit. You must tend to you and to others equally. Nobody ever talked of self sacrifice.

Many try to be like Jesus. This is barbaric. He died for us to be happy, free and without guilt and what do we do with it? We try to sacrifice ourselves, be unhappy, slave ourselves to bull shit and after all that say, we are like god – martyrs. Blasphemy at its best.

But back to reality and personal growth. If you tend to your feelings and live them, you grow. If you make yourself happy, you grow. If you follow your feeling, you grow.

No physical movement is contributing to emotional growth if it is not motivated by an authentic feeling. So just going abroad for a year because everyone else does it will not give you growth. It will give you knowledge about a street name or give you something beautiful to look and at and tell about. But all that will not trigger personal growth.

Travelling is actually doing the contrary. Travelling today is very cheap. And you can perfectly use it for one thing: running away. So you travel to actually not grow. You try to be more like Jesus to not grow. And guess what, not growing is the ultimate sin.

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